
Editorial Design, Creative Writing

Between Zine

A social critique (or reading between the lines), expressed visually through the vernacular of data control and redaction.

Reducing official stamps and seals, red tape, and legal tape to minimalistic, primary shapes. 

Client: MA Graphic Design, Falmouth University
Project: Editorial design to support a piece of creative writing

Services: Graphic Design, Editorial Design, Print Design, Creative Writing

Synopsis: Accents reveal much more about us than we’d think. In under a minute, the listener can mentally log reams of data about you – your nationality, ethnicity, intelligence, education, trustworthiness, social standing, occupation etc. Even snap judgements about physique can be made! 

These ‘facts’ form a personal dossier packed with data. A way for listeners to identify and categorise you according to place, gender, socio-economic status etc. Essentially a social profiling system based on phonic sound. Or, to put it another way, your pronunciation.

In a society where information is traded as a commodity, how will you control your phonic data?

The design approach explores my written material through the language of data control, redaction, censorship, and data breach etc. After exploring several format options, I decided a limited run, screen-print zine would amplify the message – as the zine has a long history of underground social critique.



